War Of Gold (2021)

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Main Information:
Game name: War Of Gold (2021)
Ganre: Action, PC Games, Shooter
Developer: Tero Lunkka, Valkeala Software
Release date: 2021
Interface language: EN
Voice language: EN



Enemy military forces have stolen gold bars. You are super soldier who is only hope to save missing gold. 10 different locations where gold are hidden. You need use different weapons to survive and killing enemies. Game contains also lot of vehicles. Some levels player can use sport car to move faster. Levels contains also powerful but slow tank which have 2 weapons. With tank you can destroy human enemies and also enemy forces tanks. Few levels also include fast fighter plane. You need use fighter to flying and destroying several enemy fighters and finding hidden golden bars. Fighter also contain parachute so you can jump from fighter if situation needed. Game contain also training area where basic gameplay objects and controls can be trained. Different maps super soldier can collect different weapons like knifes, rifle, grenade launcher,pistol, sniper, grenades etc. But only one bigger gun can be carried on so you need decide which gun is best for different situation.

- 10 different big maps with different enviroments. Also one of levels is training area- Lot of weapons like rifle,sniper gun,pistol, grenade launcher
- Pick up more ammos
- Collect different grenades
- Can use car to drive long distances
- Use tank to destroy enemies
- Use fighter to flying and destroy enemy forces fighters
- Collect gold to finish levels
- Setting menu
- Steam achievements
- Enemy soldiers, enemy tanks, enemy fighters
- Can add inventory one weapon at a time. if want collect other weapon, need drop other. So think which weapon is best

System Requirements:

CPU: Intel i5


OS: Windows 8 / 10 (64 bit)

Video Card: nividia 2000

Free Disk Space: 17 GB

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